Birthdays for Children

Is your child birthday coming up soon?


Are you wondering what surprise to prepare for your little one? A great idea would be to organize a party at a bowling alley!!!

Bowling is a great way to spice up a kids’ birthday party. It is primarily a competition that is usually associated with emotions – who will knock down the most pins, how many points will they score, who will win the entire ranking. You can organize a tournament, which will make the fun even more fun.


Our bowling alley has a number of amenities for children, including:

  • automatic auxiliary boards that make the game easier, the ball does not escape into the side gutters, so each throw ends in success
  • we provide variable footwear in children’s sizes from number 27, if the child has a smaller number, we allow him to play in his own clean footwear,
  • we have balls of different weights so that children have no problem throwing them
  • possibility of playing for points
  • animations and LED lighting will make the game more attractive